Sunday, December 2, 2012

How to send a card a Canadian Forces Member

How to send a card a Canadian Forces Member

Op Attention: Kabul

PO Box 5140 Stn Forces

Belleville ON

K8N 5W6

If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful, special people, who have sacrificed so much would get.  Postage required but only to Belleville.

Friday, November 30, 2012


HELP STOP THE MISSISSAUGA LAND TRANSFER TAX! Mississauga City Council is considering a municipal land transfer tax on top of the Provincial Land Transfer Tax. 

If approved, this could cost the buyer of an average Mississauga detached home more than $10,000, payable upfront! 

A Mississauga Land Transfer Tax would be unfair to home buyers and would hurt Mississauga's economy. 

Click here:( for an easy way to send an email to Mississauga City Council to say NO TO A MISSISSAUGA LAND TRANSFER TAX!

•A Mississauga Land Transfer Tax is unfair because it targets people who need to move: downsizing seniors, growing families, etc.

•A Mississauga Land Transfer Tax will dampen Mississauga home sales. As reported by the CD Howe Institute in a research report, Toronto home sales are 16 percent lower than they should be as a result of the Toronto Land Transfer Tax. A similar effect in Mississauga would mean lost jobs for Mississauga’s economy because of reduced consumer spending on renovations, movers, furnishings, etc.

•A Mississauga Land Transfer Tax would reduce Mississauga’s Competitiveness. Mississauga has a competitive advantage without a Mississauga Land Transfer Tax. A recent poll conducted by Ipsos Reid found that 75 per cent of GTA residents are more likely to move outside of Toronto to avoid paying the Toronto Land Transfer Tax. A Mississauga Land Transfer Tax would mean that Mississauga would lose this advantage.

•Creates hardship for families.

Lisa Portolese, Sales Representative
Royal LePage Kingsbury Realty, Brokerage
30 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 200
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Bus (905) 568-2121
Cel (416) 953-9714


Friday, November 2, 2012

Are we worrying ourselves into a housing crash? Our Debt is NOT like their Debt.

Just came back from my morning walk. It is still pitch black outside and 38 degrees. I normally wait and walk in the evening but this Friday night I have plans. I know, I know (SHOCKING)

So as I sip on my decaf chai tea, I was reading the paper(Okay, I was reading a few) and I enjoyed this article by CIBC Deputy Chief Economist Benjamin Tal and I wanted to share it with you.

Our Debt is NOT like their Debt.

CIBC Deputy Chief Economist Benjamin Tal sounds like he’s getting tired of the comparisons linking the Canadian housing market to a U.S. style crash.

Canada is just not going to have a severe crash, he says in a report dubbed “Should We Worry About a U.S. Style Housing Meltdown?

You could lose a “night’s sleep” if you glance at charts comparing U.S. household debt and prices before their correction with today’s Canadian housing market but Mr. Tal says a closer look reveals vast differences.

“To be sure houses prices in Canada will probably fall in the coming year or two but any comparison to the American market of 2006 reflects a deep misunderstanding of the credit landscapes of the pre-crash environment in the U.S. and today’s Canadian market,” says the economist.

He lays out a number of myths used to compare the two markets, listing everything from the difference in the quality of debt to the false assumption that most Americans had long-term 30-year mortgages before the crash.

“I just think the comparisons are irrelevant,” says Mr. Tal. “There are two different questions. Are we slowing? Yes, we are slowing. But not every slowdown should be a U.S. type crash. Just because it happened there doesn’t mean it happens here.”

The Canadian Real Estate Association said this month that September sales across the country were down 15.1% from a year ago. Many commentators expect prices to fall next but CREA said last month’s average sale price of was up 1.1% from a year ago.

Interestingly enough, Mr. Tal says some of the defences used to explain how the Canadian housing market is different than the U.S. probably are not valid.

For starters the low rate of mortgage arrears means nothing, it was just as low before the U.S. crash. Canada is a recourse country where borrowers in every province but Alberta can go after a homeowner’s other assets but that’s not much different than America where only 12 states are non-recourse states. Mortgage industry deductibility has long been seen as a contributor to the U.S. housing crash but only about 15% of Americans use that tax break, says Mr. Tal.

But the economist doesn’t need those excuses. He says the debt-income ratio in Canada is high but look at the quality of debt which rose quickly in the U.S. with almost 22% of the market considered risky — some of those people with a negative equity position even before prices crashed. In Canada, you must have a minimum of a 5% down payment.

While the 30-year fixed rate mortgage has long been the U.S. standard, 80% of new mortgages in the U.S. went for an adjusted rate mortgage leading up to the crash. Those mortgages had teaser rates for two to three years that were almost 4.25 percentage points below prevailing rates.

“[That teaser] expires and overnight you’ve got two years worth of [Federal Reserve] increases in one day, that’s a shock,” says Mr. Tal.

He says the Canadian market has room for a soft landing which is what Australia experienced recently. “They demonstrated there is such a thing as a soft landing, interest rates went up and prices went down by 7% to 8%.”

So why are we so obsessed with comparing ourselves to the U.S.? Mr. Tal says it’s normal. “It makes sense because it happened in the U.S. and everybody was talking about it and we are going through a significant increase in house prices. I can understand why people do it but it should be based on fact.”

If you have any questions about Real Estate in Canada or the U.S. Feel free to contact me. I would be happy to help you find a local expert in your area. After 25 years in the business, I know quite a few realtors in every city.


Lisa Portolese @

Follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Use The Pause Button

Fridays Tune-Up September 21, 2012

Imagine seeing yourself on a giant plasma TV screen. As you watch your life, you see the moments you react. You see clearly where the anger begins or maybe you see yourself about to shrink away in fear or rejection. Now imagine you’re holding a remote control in your hand. Every time you are about to be reactive, you simply click the Pause button. Ask yourself: Is what I am about to do going to help bring me all of the happiness and fulfillment I can have, or is it going to bring me chaos, destruction and low self esteem in the long run?

Try using the Pause button several times throughout your day, not just today but even throughout the next week. See how it changes the dynamic of the challenges you face, as well as the reactions of those close to you.

Have an amazing weekend everyone. I am excited to be meeting some highschool friends over the weekend.  I have wonderful clients that gave me the weekend off. It's been a great week., 4 new listings. I feel very blessed to be able to do what I do. I really love people and I think that is why after 25 years in the business, I still love what I do. 

The  32nd Terry Fox Run was held this  past Sunday September 16th and my team, now named Terry Fox's Royal Pirates raised more funds this year than in last 32 years.

So to all my colleagues out there from the Toronto Real Estate Board, the Mississauga Real Estate Board and from my home office of Royal LePage Kingsbury Realty, as well as all the various brokerages, thank you so much for giving me your best, being professional and continuing to be helpful in our communities. It makes me proud. Lot's of "good" apples out there.

Lisa's song pick of the week 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Is it *really* the most wonderful time of the year? Starting a New School, yikes!

Whether you’re changing schools because your family has moved to a new city or because you’re making the transition from middle to high school, the change can be difficult at first.

Count down to September is here. You've been feeling anxious all summer.

That evil real estate agent made it possible for your parents to move you away from friends, away from that boy or girl you like, away from all that’s familiar. And even if you're popular. It can be really scary.

You wonder about what the new school going to be like? Will the kids like you? Will you fit in?

Will the teachers be nice? 

I know the thoughts going through your head right are making your stomach turn over and your palms sweat, maybe you are considering dropping out or joining Cirque de Soleil or even worse, becoming a musician and touring the country on a bus....STOP THE INSANITY NOW....okay, breathe.

YOU, you can do this and you are going go be okay. 
And let's face it, even if you avoid the first day, the next day will still be your first day. Going late will only make you more visible and obviously new. Let's go through some tips now. Later you can channel your "inner" Alanis Morisette and write  a song about that *evil* real estate agent who probably is not even thinking about you right now....or is she???

Here are some tips that just might help you ease into your new school. : ) : ) : )

•Remember that the new place will give you a new chance. For at least the first day, you’re exotic (but not in that mean girl kind of way!)

Especially in a school where there isn’t much coming and going, you’re someone special.  Yes, it’s true you left what is familiar. But the new place is also a new opportunity. Nobody knows who you are, who you hung out with, or what to expect from you. If you didn’t quite like who you are or the reputation you had, you have a chance to start over. If you did like it, you can take that confidence with you and make a big splash.

•Get oriented. If at all possible, visit the school before school starts. It’s hard enough to start over without also getting lost all the time. Check out where the principal’s office is and how to get to the library. If you don't have time for this, that is okay, asking for directions is one way to get to know people and it is how I met my husband, Ryan Gosling...okay, I just made that up but you get my point.

•Do a little research. Get on the Internet and find out about the school. There’s probably a website. You can find out about sports teams and events. You can learn what clubs are active and how the teams are doing.
• Don't be too eager.  When you’re lonely, it’s tempting to grab onto whoever grabs you. But you want to take the time to get to know people and figure out who’s who.
• Wardrobe. For most teens, clothes are code for who you are. Wear a clean, neat, but kind of neutral outfit the first day. Get up in time to shower and do your hair. Jeans are generally fine as long as they’re clean and not flashy. Presenting yourself neutrally the first few days gives you time to figure out the informal rules for dress among the students. Once you’ve got it down, you can dress to fit in with the group you want to accept you.

•Avoid cafeteria stress the first day. Pack a lunch so you don’t have to stand in line wondering whether to accept someone’s invitation to join their table. Confidently sit on the edge and watch for a few days. Sit in a way that broadcasts confidence. You’re not a reject. You’re taking the time to think about who you’ll choose to be with.

•Introduce yourself to teachers. First impressions matter so be polite.
• Get involved. There’s no better way to meet your new best friends and have lots of fun than to try out for your new school’s basketball team, audition for theater club or join the math-letes.
•Take charge. Once you’ve got an idea who you want to meet, it’s up to you.  Remember – people like to talk about themselves. Think of a couple of questions you can ask each person and the conversation will take off almost by itself. Express your opinions. Most of your new classmates will be curious about you and will want to get to know you. Don’t be afraid to express your opinions. Let them know about your favorite movies, books or videogames. Speak up in class and be as confident as you can be without being cocky.

•Keep your old friends. Skype and Facebook and Twitter and texting and email and even the phone can let you stay in touch with old friends. That’s all good. But it can also be quicksand. If you let yourself spend hours and hours communicating with old friends, you’ll make it less likely that you’ll find new ones. By staying so connected to people who live hours away, you might keep yourself lonely in your own backyard.

As tempting as it is to hang on tight to what is familiar, give yourself – and your new community – a fair chance. Spend afterschool time involved with the new. Allow an hour at night for reunions as a reward for getting your assignments done. As hard as it is, this also applies to boyfriends or girlfriends left behind. Give each other permission to see other people and to be fully involved in your own schools. If your romance was meant to be, you’ll reconnect in the future.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Adjusting to a new school and making new friends are hard things to do, so don’t beat yourself up about it. Know that you’re awesome.

Be open. You’re probably missing your friends from your old school right now, but make sure to give your new classmates a chance. Get to know people by inviting them to do things after school. Be a good listener. Always be kinder than is necessary.

Have an awesome year!



Tuesday, June 26, 2012

For all my clients(past, present and future) in response to your many calls and emails.

This ones for you. The new mortgage rules and what it means for all of us.

There is never a dull moment in the Canadian mortgage landscape with new rules introduced by the Minister of Finance and OSFI, Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions. I want to state upfront that I support these changes with the exception of reducing secured lines of credit (HELOCs) from 80% to 65% of home values.

Canada’s housing market has been very hot since the credit crunch of late 2008 and the house prices to income ratio gap has grown significantly due to stimulus low mortgage rates.

Sudden and significant changes to mortgage rules are once again upon us.

With a recent spate of soft economic news which is forcing the Bank of Canada to keep rates at low levels for longer, something had to give. The low, stimulative rates have the negative side effect of inducing increasing levels of indebtedness among consumers to unsustainable levels and the creation of asset bubbles and riskier investment behaviour to seek higher returns.

Indebtedness has been cited as the number one threat to the domestic recovery, so the Federal Government is taking the following steps to insure Canadian pay down their debt –


1) All insured mortgages (i.e. High-Ratio) will be amortized at 25 years maximum

2) Refinances will be capped at 80% of value (from current limit of 85%)

3) Debt service ratio limits to be reduced.


*Lower qualifying range for buyers, especially first-time buyers who are typically high-ratio

*Delayed purchase decisions while debt is reduced or earning power improves

*Reduced ability to consolidate higher interest / high payment debts through home equity

-combined with higher mortgage payments due to shorter amortization, this may lead to more homes being sold where they would have otherwise been refinanced for owners that are struggling.

-reduced discretionary spending as borrowers are forced to pay down debt – good in the long run, but one could expect that this will dampen economic growth in the short to medium term

*A short term rush of purchase & refinance activity will be expected leading up to the deadline for this changes

*30 years likely to be available on conventional mortgages…for now

There will definitely be other impacts across the mortgage/housing landscape, but it’s clear that the Bank of Canada will keep interest rates low for an extended period and needed help from the Federal Government to limit the negative side effects of delivering “cheap money” to kick start the ailing economy.

Should you have any further questions or would like to speak to one of the mortgage specialists I work with, do not hesitate to call or email me.

Lisa Portolese, Sales Representative
Royal LePage Kingsbury Realty, Brokerage
30 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 200
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Bus (905) 568-2121
Cel (416) 953-9714





Related commentary in the Globe & Mail -

Friday, May 25, 2012

An In-Depth Guide to Volunteering in Mississauga

Want to donate your time to a worthy cause in your community? There are plenty of organizations throughout the Peel Region that are accepting volunteers. Whether you're a high school student doing it to satisfy your 40 hour requirement to graduate or a parent looking to expose your kids to community involvement, volunteering is a rewarding endeavor. Here's an ongoing list of volunteer opportunities to help you get started.

Seva Food Bank
Position: Food bank volunteers: 3413 Wolfedale Rd, Unit 10, Mississauga

Phone: 905-361-SEVA (7382)



What they do: The Seva Food Bank provides safe, nutritious and culturally-appropriate food to low-income families living in Mississauga’s L5B and L5C postal codes. An initiative of Sikhs Serving Canada, a registered not-for-profit organization, our mission is to positively impact local communities by acting on the basic Sikh tenets of sarbat da bhalla (the well being of all) and seva (selfless service). We are open to volunteers from all communities and cultures.

What you’ll do: We are looking for volunteers to perform in several roles, including working in our warehouse and at the front desk during food servings. We are open to the public every Wednesday evening from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm and on Sundays from 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. We also have several committees that volunteers can get involved with, and we are always looking for people with creativity and initiative who would like to help us develop our programs and improve on the services we are providing to residents of Mississauga.

Requirements: Volunteers must come with a positive attitude, a commitment to work and be motivated to help those in need. Some of the work will include lifting boxes, stocking shelves and assembling food orders, as well some reception duties. Some basic computer skills would be useful. Three hours per month minimum commitment.

Ontario Elections-Amrit Mangat’s Re-election Campaign

Position: Campaign volunteer

Address: 75 Watline Ave. Unit 130, Mississauga

Phone: 905-502-7115



What they do: Liberal MPP Amrit Mangat’s Re-election Campaign for Mississauga-Brampton South.

What you’ll do: Make phone calls, canvas door-to-door, office admin, and strategic planning.

Requirements: Good communication skills.

Made by Hand, Made by Hand Show

Position: Event volunteer

Address: International Centre, Hall 1 - 6900 Airport Rd., Mississauga



What they do: Made by Hand is committed to supporting local Canadian artists and crafters by showcasing an event where local artists are able to show and sell their work.

What you’ll do: Assist at the event, help Vendors load in/out, sit at booths (for vendors to have a quick bathroom or meal break), greet and other duties.

Requirements: English-speaking and cheerful. 4-5 hour shifts.

AbleLiving Services (formerly Participation House)

Position: Recreation aide

Address: 1022 Greaves Ave. or or at 1255 Vanrose St., Mississauga

Phone: 905-692-4465, ext 224



What they do: AbleLiving supports adults with physical disabilities.

What you’ll do: Work one to one with clients or in small groups with recreation programs. Assist with movie nights, game night, taking clients for walks, crafts, etc.

Requirements: Able to push a manual wheelchair. Must be sensitive and respectful of client needs. Maturity to work with adults. Length of time required: 8-10 months over the school year, one evening a week.

Camp Smile

Position: Camp Counsellor

Address: Mississauga/Vaughan

Phone: 416-576-6842



What they’ll do: Camp Smile is a summer camp for children, ages 3-12, with Down Syndrome. This is a unique camp that adds a special element to the typical summer camp by offering therapy services. The camp features Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy, Instructed Sports, Arts and crafts and loads of fun. There are two camps that will be running with the same program. One camp is located at the Lullaboo Nursery and Childcare Center, Mississauga site and the other is at the Lullaboo Nursery and Childcare Center, Vaughan site.

What you’ll do: As a Camp Smile Volunteer, the successful candidate will be responsible for administering the philosophy of the camp and implementing a program set by the therapists and instructors which meets the needs of the individual child. The volunteer is to enhance the experience of the children while taking responsibility for their enjoyment and well-being. Volunteer hours will be awarded. You'll be in charge of: program implementation, aiding program staff during activities, active participant of all camp activities, aware of children's locations at all time, learn the likes/dislikes of children, promote a healthy environment for the children, providing leadership and support to all staff, responsible for good working relationship with program staff and camp directors.

Requirements: Interested in working with children with special needs, ability to communicate effectively, ability to demonstrate personal leadership skills, ability to accept supervision and guidance, ability to assist in teach an activity, good character, integrity and adaptability, enthusiasm, sense of humour, patience and self control, clearance of criminal Record Check, at least 15 years of age. Length of time required: every Saturday from July-August for 2.5 to 5 hours.

Habitat for Humanity - Brampton

Position: ReStore Retail Volunteer

Address: 268 Rutherford Rd S, Unit 3, Brampton

Phone: 905-455-0883 ext 223



What they do: The ReStore is owned and operated by Habitat for Humanity Brampton. Our shelves are stocked with new and gently used renovation supplies donated to us by homeowners and businesses. The money raised from the sale of items at the ReStore pays for the overhead costs of operating Habitat for Humanity Brampton.

What you’ll do: Volunteers are needed to help with unloading trucks that come in, as well as assist in the ReStore by answering any questions customers may have about where certain items are located. Volunteers will also help customers bring any purchases to their vehicles, assist with stocking/moving items in the store.

Requirements: Volunteers must be 16 years and older to apply.

Brampton Clean City Committee

Position: Park and Trail Stewardship Volunteer

Address: 129 Glidden Rd., Brampton

Phone: (905) 874-5110



What they do: The Brampton Clean City Committee is a committee of City Council made up of concerned citizens who volunteer their time and effort in promoting environmental awareness and a clean community.

What you’ll do: Student volunteer opportunity to earn community service hours while cleaning parks and trails. Duties include removing litter, sorting recyclables and some heavy lifting within the City of Brampton's various parks, trails and green spaces.

Requirements: No skills or experience required. Just a passion to help the natural environment!

Mississauga Fruit Tree Community Organization

Position: Garden volunteer

Address: 7760 Benavon Road, Mississauga

Phone: 416-358-9064



What they do: Promoting equitable access to fresh local fruit and community initiatives for strengthening and empowering neighbors to share in the harvest of surplus fruits that would otherwise go unpicked or be wasted.

What you’ll do: Pick fruit from the backyards of homeowners who have registered their trees with the organization. Help in gardens located in yards of homeowners who have allowed the organization to use their space to grow food.

Requirements: Desire to build and strengthen connections within community groups through the planting, stewardship, harvest and/or preservation of fruit.

United Way of Peel Region

Position: Tree planting, gardening, graffiti removal, painting, litter clean-up volunteer

Address: Mississauga/Brampton/Caledon

Phone: 905-602-3625



What they do: United Way of Peel Region was established in 1967 to serve the communities of Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon. Every program we support is improving social conditions in the region to ensure that each resident can not only survive, but thrive. We work within the community to improve the lives of individuals and families, strengthen neighbourhoods, and make our community better for everyone. We address the immediate needs of our community and work to identify and remedy the root causes for social issues within our community.

What you’ll do: Tree planting, gardening, graffiti removal, painting, and litter clean-up.

Oasis Zoo Run

Position: Event volunteer

Address: Toronto Zoo, Toronto


What they do: To support Toronto Zoo and raise money to fund the zoo's several animal projects.

What you’ll do: Baggage check, packet pick-up, greet, water station, course marshals, medal distribution, party site food station, start line corral marshals, green team, setup, t-shirt distribution, etc…

Oakville Half Marathon

Position: Event Volunteer

Address: Coronation Park (1426 Lakeshore Road West), Oakville



What you’ll do: hand out medals, clip chips, hand out heat sheets, post race food, and baggage.

Requirements: All are welcome to volunteer, but anyone 12 years of age and under requires adult accompaniment, and under the age of 18 must have parent/guardian written permission. Additionally, we encourage those under the age of 18 to buddy-up with a friend. Individuals coming out to show their community spirit will definitely have fun.

Visual Arts Brampton

Position: Mascot performer and character escort

Address: Brampton

Phone: 905-453-9142



What they do: Visual Arts Brampton is a 22-year-old community art group serving professional and amateur artists in Brampton and surrounding areas. We provide various studio sessions, workshops and monthly art exhibits by local artists.

What you’ll do: Rotate between performing the role of mascot and escorting the mascot.

Requirements: As a mascot, you need to have some silent performance skills (like mime) . As an escort, you need the ability to talk clearly to adults and children, and improvise responses on behalf of the mascot, when physical replies just won't do. Preference given to those taking a drama or dance program in high school, although all are welcome to apply. Mascot performers must be between 3' 5" and 6' tall.

TruthForce Community Association

Position: Project Co-ordinator

Address: 247 Main Street North, Brampton

Phone: 905-459-4385



What they do: Community organization dedicated to empowering people to take action locally and globally on social justice issues

What you’ll do: TruthForce will be a mentor to a student who will design, plan, lead or help implement a project in their community that addresses a social or environmental issue.

Requirements: Self-directed, motivated, creative, confident. To get involved, write a 200-word introduction letter about yourself describing your motivation to work with the organization. If you have any ideas about the type of project you’d like to do, include it in the package.

The Métis Nation of Ontario – Brampton Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy (AHWS) Program

Position: Community Wellness Volunteer

Address: Brampton/Mississauga/Caledon/Orangeville

Phone: 905-454-8951



What they do: The Métis are a distinct Aboriginal group. The Brampton AHWS program represents Métis citizens, but also extends itself to the Peel community in general. Aboriginal healing is holistic and includes the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and cultural aspects of life. Some of the services we provide are counseling support, general emotional support, friendly visits, workshops and educational outreach. A Police Record Check is required in order to work with clients.

What you’ll do: At this time, the work is flexible. You may be asked to help out with events and workshops in the community, give presentations on the Métis Nation in your community to promote awareness and/or assist clients with tasks such as emotional support, friendly visits, or helping with shopping, etc.

Requirements: Good communication skills and the ability to demonstrate empathy and non-judgment. You must be 18 years or older with a valid drivers license to drive clients if necessary. Length of time required: minimum of 5 hours.

Sunshine Dreams for Kids

Position: Event volunteer

Address: Peel Region



What they do: Sunshine Dreams for Kids is a non-profit organization that makes dreams come true for children with severe physical disabilities and life threatening illnesses.

What you’ll do: We have many community events planned over the coming year that requires volunteers to make each event a success.

Requirements: Minimum of 4 hours per event.

Seniors Life Enhancement Centres

Position: Activity Assistant

Address: 2041 Cliff Rd., Mississauga

Phone: 905-279-9061


What they do: Social, recreational centre for seniors

What you’ll do: Assist activity coordinators to provide social recreational activities to seniors. Volunteers will also help escort seniors throughout the centre and help with general clean up tasks.

Requirements: Friendly and enthusiastic personality, willing to work as a team player, desire to work with seniors who have memory impairment or physical challenges.

The Royal Conservatory of Music Examinations - Mississauga South (Centre 019)

Position: Presiding Officer

Address: 850 Enola Ave., Mississauga

Phone: 905-891-7944



What they do: The Royal Conservatory of Music is an independent, self-sustaining, not-for-profit arts organization whose mission is to foster the development of human potential through music and arts education.

What you’ll do: Help with set-up before and set-down after examinations. You will supervise theory students writing exams and help to ensure a successful examination experience.

Requirements: Promptness, reliability and courtesy. Ability to complete assigned tasks independently and efficiently. Musical background and prior knowledge of the RCM Examinations system an asset. Length of time required: Between 3 to 8 hours.

The Regimental Band of The Lorne Scots (Peel, Dufferin, and Halton Regiment)

Position: Musician

Address: Downtown Brampton



What they do: This volunteer band was formed in pre-confederation Canada, in 1866, and has been active in Peel, Dufferin and Halton since that time. This Brass and Reed Band plays street parades, Military Tattoos, Indoor and Outdoor Concerts, Art Festivals, Ethnic Celebrations, Royal Visits, Civic Receptions, Public Entertainment, with a full and challenging repertoire of Military Band, and Concert Band Music from the Big Band sound to Classical and popular music performed by all volunteer musicians.

What you’ll do: Attend Band practice once weekly in Brampton to perform music and to perform with this volunteer band in public.

Requirements: Senior high school level music courses or equivalent experience. Weekly rehearsals take place on Monday evenings from 8-10 pm.

Peel Multicultural Council

Position: Project Assistant

Address: 6630 Turner Valley Road, Mississauga

Phone: 905-819-1144


What they do: The Peel Multicultural Council was established in 1977 because of the concerns arising from a Social Planning Council report on immigrant needs in Peel. A group of ethnic leaders joined together to facilitate positive community relations.

What you’ll do: Assist with developing resource materials, update databases, asssit with the planning of fundraising events, and organize meetings with board members and committees.

Requirements: Basic computer skills, good understanding of the English language, team player, excellent interpersonal skills. Length of time required: 40 hours.

Peel Health

Position: In-Home Volunteer Visitor

Address: Brampton/Caledon/Mississauga

Phone: 905.791.7800 ext. 2613 or 905.791.7800 ext. 2521


What they do: Peel Health, your regional health department, offers a wide range of public health services to ensure residents and workers can obtain credible information on preventing illness and improving the health of our community.

What you’ll do: Assist families in their homes in various ways.

Requirements: The opportunity is available for students 18 years and older. Length of time required: Minimum of 3 hours a week for 3 months.

Special Olympics, Ontario - Brampton

Position: Assistant Coach

Address: Brampton



What you’ll do: Help with sport training e.g. warm-ups, drills, etc.

Requirements: Patience, willingness to get involved, sports knowledge helpful but not essential. Length of time required: 1-2 hours per week.

Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee

Position: Committee Member - various volunteer opportunities

Address: Mississauga City Hall, 300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga

Phone: 905-896-5071



What they do: Founded by Mayor Hazel McCallion in 1982, the Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC) has evolved into a dynamic group of dedicated young people between the ages of 14 and 24 who live in Mississauga. MYAC members volunteer at numerous events and organize festivals such as Youth Week. At monthly general meetings, MYAC is a forum to meet new people, learn about and discuss issues affecting young people and receive opportunities to make a difference in the community.

What you’ll do: Members of MYAC members attend general meetings on the second Wednesday of each month to discuss issues and learn about volunteer opportunities. Volunteer hours can be earned by helping to organize events, writing articles for the MYAC website, volunteering at events, or working on projects.

Requirements: Good teamwork skills, initiative, willingness to take risks, computer familiarity, and enthusiasm.

Leisureworld Brampton Woods

Position: Volunteer

Address: 9257 Goreway Drive, Mississauga

Phone: 905-799-7502


What they do: Long Term Care facility

What you’ll do: Help organize events for residents, porter residents to events, visit one-on-one with residents, welcome new residents, assist in the dining room, and assist in the laundry department.

Girl Guides of Canada - White Oaks Area

Position: Student Volunteer Leader

Address: Peel Region

Phone: 1-877-323-4545


What they do: Girl Guides of Canada is the largest organization for girls and women in Canada. It is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. Guiding provides opportunities for fun, friendship and adventures for girls and young women. Through our different imaginative and innovative activity choices, girls are encouraged to reach their potential, be independent, confident and caring. We empower them to give leadership and develop their decision-making and life skills. Guiding helps them connect with their community and with the wider world.

What you’ll do: Volunteers will assist our adult members/ leaders in implementing exciting programs within a local Unit (Sparks age 5 to 6, Brownies age 7 to 8, Guides age 9 to11) on a weekly basis. Units can be found in your neighbourhood.

Requirements: Volunteers must be mature, enjoy working with children, helping others, working in a team environment and be willing to have fun. They must also be organized and have excellent communications skills. Skills such as knowledge of outdoor activities, arts and crafts, songs, games, environmental issues, etc. are an asset, BUT not necessary. Mentoring by adult members is available. Units (Sparks, Brownies, Guides) generally meet once a week (one to two hours/week) from September to May. We ask that you commit to the full Guiding year. There are also occasional weekend activities.

Friends of the Schoolhouse

Position: Garden and visitor liaison volunteer

Address: Peel Region



What they do: Supports the Old Britannia Schoolhouse through community activities and fundraising.

What you’ll do: Help at occasional events, demonstrate heritage toys and answer questions about The Old Britannia Schoolhouse. Garden volunteers are needed several times a year.

Requirements: An ability to meet the public and work with children. An interest in gardening.


Position: Kids programming volunteer

Address: Mississauga/Burlington/Brampton/Oakville


What they do: ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development is the largest Children's Treatment Centre (CTC) in Ontario, providing a comprehensive range of treatment, rehabilitation and support services to more than 11,700 children with disabilities and their families each year.

What you’ll do: Assist staff in a wide range of activities. Positions are available mornings, afternoons and evenings throughout the school year. During summer months, we offer more programs which require volunteers through the weekday and early evening. Specialized therapeutic programs are also available to clients on weekends.

Requirements: All applicants go through an interview and training process. Volunteers are then matched with programs based on the needs of ErinoakKids and the volunteer’s interests. Volunteers must be 14 years of age or older and must attend a volunteer orientation session, complete an application package, provide immunization information, attend an individual screening interview, and provide two written reference letters. Length of time required: At least one program or special event or 40 hours of service.

Epilepsy Mississauga

Position: Kids on the Block Puppeteer

Address: 3034 Palstan Rd., Suite M4, Mississauga



What they do: Epilepsy Mississauga is a non-profit, non-governmental health organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with and affected by epilepsy and seizure disorders.

What you’ll do: Perform puppet shows and education presentations to grade 1 to 3 students.

Requirements: Interest in working with children, comfortable performing in front of large groups and the ability to memorize lines. Length of time required: Initial training is 3 hours.

Eclypse Youth Resource and Activity Centre

Position: Youth Advisory member

Address: Bramalea City Centre, Brampton

Phone: 905-790-7707



What they do: Youth employment, resource and activity centre for people aged 15 to 30 years.

What you’ll do: Once a month, members will meet to give their input into our organization from fundraising to day-to-day activities.

Requirements: Outgoing, self-motivated, willing to give a 1-year commitment. Length of time required: 1 hour per month.

Eclypse Youth Resource and Activity Centre

Position: Student Volunteer

Address: Clark Blvd. and West Drive, Brampton

Phone: 905-790-7707


What they do: Rapport Rapport Youth & Family Services provides counselling and support services to youth and their families in Peel Region.

What they’ll do: As a volunteer you can get involved at our youth drop-in centre in Brampton, called ECLYPSE. There are various activities at the centre to participate in.

Requirements: Committed, enthusiastic and open-minded.

The City of Mississauga Safe Driving Committee

Position: Student Speed Watch Program team member

Address: Mississauga

Phone: 905-615-3200 ext. 5426



What they do: The City of Mississauga Safe Driving Committee is an advisory committee of the city council that deals with safe driving behaviour and related issues.

What you’ll do: Under the supervision of adult participant(s) (volunteer(s) from the Parent Council Group affiliated with your school) your Student Speed Watch Program Team will use self-contained radar equipment with an electronic message board to monitor and chart the operating speed of vehicles travelling past your chosen project site. The display of this information provides awareness to the subject drivers and will provide useful information to the City's Traffic Operations staff, Peel Regional Police and the Safe Driving Committee, through completion of a Student Speed Watch project report form.

Requirements: Cooperation with a team.

Brampton YMCA

Position: Program Volunteer

Address: 20 Union Street, Brampton

Phone: 416-413-1020 x2040



What they do: The YMCA is a charitable organization. The YMCA offers fitness classes and programs, aquatic activities and child care programs.

What you’ll do: Interact with members and assist staff instructors.

Requirements: Positive, enthusiastic attitude and interested in fitness.

The Brampton Safe City Association

Position: Y.E.S. (Youth Education and Safety) Team Member

Address: 150 Central Park Drive, Suite #019, Brampton

Phone: 905-793-5484


What they do: The Brampton Safe City Association provides a network for Brampton residents, businesses, youth clubs, schools, community groups, public agencies, neighbourhoods and the Peel Regional Police to unite in a common goal: to make Brampton the safest city in Canada.

What you’ll do: Attend safety oriented training sessions once a week, organize your own youth event or activity, and promote crime prevention in the community.

Requirements: Good people skills, ability to work in a team, organization and planning skills. Length of time required: 50-60 hours.

Brampton Neighborhood Resource Centre

Position: Administrative Volunteer

Address: 50 Kennedy Rd. and 168 Kennedy Rd., Brampton

Phone: 905-452-1262



What they do: BNRC provides programs and services for community seniors, parents and children, young moms, newcomers to Canada and preschoolers.

What you’ll do: The qualified candidates will perform a variety of reception duties including answering phones, faxing, photocopying, internet searches, and occasional communications to various agencies.

Requirements: Good people skills, clear and effective communication skills, ability to work in a team environment as well as independently, organized, dedicated, and maturity to deal with confidential information.

ALS Society of Ontario's WALK for ALS

Position: Event Volunteer

Address: Mississauga/Brampton

Phone: 416-227-2252



What they do: Help in the fight against ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) by volunteering and/or participating in the annual WALK for ALS

What you’ll do: There are many roles to fill the day of the event and may change throughout the day. Your role may include the following areas: Set-up/Take down Run the refreshment/food stands Registration.

Requirements: good communication skills and a friendly team playing attitude.

Aga-ming Optimist Youth Camp Foundation

Position: Webmaster

Address: Mississauga

Phone: 905-625-8884


What they do: This charity organization helps people with MCS and extreme allergies. We will also be changing our name to The Canadian MCS Foundation in the near future.

What you’ll do: The volunteers will have an opportunity to create a website that will be linked to

Requirements: Web site building (, site management, chat, and links. Length of time required: 40 hours.

Conservation Youth Corps (CYC)

Position: CYC Volunteer

Address: Mississauga/Brampton/Caledon

Phone: 905-670-1615 ext. 441



What they do: CYC is a program of Credit Valley Conservation. This is a youth oriented program that offers week-long volunteer work terms each week of the summer.

What you’ll do: Volunteers will be planting trees, building fish and wildlife habitats, promoting biodiversity all while learning about conservation and the environment.

Requirements: Nothing specific - but a good attitude and a willingness to work and learn are a must.. Length of time required: 1 week.

Habitat for Humanity Brampton

Position: Volunteer

Address: 268 Rutherford Rd S Unit #3, Brampton

Phone: 905-455-0883 ext. 223



What they do: Habitat for Humanity Brampton’s mission is to mobilize volunteers and community partners in building affordable housing and promoting home ownership as a means to breaking the cycle of poverty. We create a dynamic community from the efforts, hearts, and minds of volunteers, corporate partners, government contributors, social organizations, and staff.

What you’ll do: Customer service, store organization, product assembly and testing, product pricing, product receiving and shipping.

Requirements: Volunteers must be flexible and willing to learn new skills. Length of time required: 4 hours per week.

Sheridan Villa Long Term Care Centre

Position: Activation Assistant

Address: 2460 Truscott Drive, Mississauga

Phone: 905-791-8668, ext. 2903



What they do: Long Term Care Centre – We are home to over 100 residents

What you’ll do: Assist with programs such as bingo, happy hour and outings.

Requirements: a desire to work with seniors who may have cognitive impairments. Caring and patient individuals who are interested in making a difference in the lives of residents. Good communication and listening skills. Length of time required: 60 hours.

South Asians For Life

Position: Event, marketing and planning volunteer

Address: GTA

Phone: 647-367-4406


What they do: South Asians for Life (SA4L) is a non-profit collective with the purpose of promoting the health and well-being, primarily within (but not restricted to) the underserved South Asian community. We work closely with many groups notably, Canadian Blood Services (One Match) and are completely non-partisan. Our group grew as a result of one of our friends who was diagnosed with leukemia and needed to find a stem cell donor. Our efforts were successful in grossly increasing the South Asian component of Canada's stem cell registry. A match for our friend was found. Our current focus is to raise awareness and reverse the shortage of stem cell/bone marrow potential donors in Canada's donor registry, primarily the under-represented segments.

What you’ll do: We offer various roles for volunteering including: Event help/marketing/planning/co-ordinating. Organizing a successful event of any scale requires both logistical and strategic planning, Your thoughts on what would make the event a success would be useful, your experience in recruiting volunteers would be an asset, and your out-going personality would be vital in speaking to the public about our cause. Actual events require promotion (flyers, emails, radio spots etc.) that, must be carefully crafted and tailored to the specific market, as well as setting up and staffing booths. We host periodic meetings where we gather input and make decisions; again, your thoughts will be welcome.

Volunteering Peel

Position: Volunteer

Address: GTA



What they do: Volunteering Peel is a student-run organization that collaborates with a number of community groups and event organizers in the GTA to provide students throughout the region with opportunities to help out at a variety of events.

What you’ll do: Volunteering Peel is a versatile organization offering students a chance to sign up for a variety of event ranging from marathons to festivals.

Salvation Army Thrift Store

Position: Volunteer

Address: Mississauga/Brampton


What they do: The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that began its work in Canada in 1882 and has grown to become the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country. The Salvation Army gives hope and support to vulnerable people today and everyday in 400 communities across Canada and more than 120 countries around the world. The Salvation Army offers practical assistance for children and families, often tending to the basic necessities of life, provides shelter for homeless people and rehabilitation for people who have lost control of their lives to an addiction.

What you’ll do: Volunteers are needed to assist in sorting clothes, accessories, books, household items, etc, stocking the store and setting up displays.

Requirements: responsible, positive attitude, excellent people skills, follow directions, good communication skills, hardworking and energetic.

Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee (MCAC)

Position: Bicycle Ambassador

Address: Local trails, Mississauga


What they do: The MCAC works with the City of Mississauga to improve and promote cycling in Mississauga.

What you’ll do: Ride your local trails every week and report any repairs that are needed, or other problems, to Mississauga Parks and Recreation.

Narrow Road Athletics

Position: Children’s Basketball Coach

Address: Mississauga


What they do: Narrow Road Athletics is a Christian Athletic Program for girls & boys ages four to seven that seeks to “train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not part from it” (Proverbs 22:6). We teach life skills to children using their participation in sports as a magnet. Narrow Road Athletics operates a highly organized Fundamental Basketball Development Program as we simultaneously teach the word of God.

What you’ll do: Narrow Road Athletics is a Christian Athletic Program for girls & boys ages four to seven that seeks to “train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not part from it” (Proverbs 22:6). We teach life skills to children using their participation in sports as a magnet. Narrow Road Athletics operates a highly organized Fundamental Basketball Development Program as we simultaneously teach the word of God.

Requirements: Love for the game of Basketball, Love for working with young children, Able to follow through with a commitment.


Position: Youth Volunteer

Address: Mississauga


What they do: Narrow Road Athletics is a Christian Athletic Program for girls & boys ages four to seven that seeks to “train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not part from it” (Proverbs 22:6). We teach life skills to children using their participation in sports as a magnet. Narrow Road Athletics operates a highly organized Fundamental Basketball Development Program as we simultaneously teach the word of God.

What you’ll do: Teach basketball, plan a practice, work with children and other coaches.

Requirements: Love for the game of Basketball, love for working with young children, able to follow through with a commitment.

STREAM Education Learning Programs Inc.

Position: Classroom Buddies

Address: Mississauga/Brampton



What they do: A not-for-profit organization promoting interest in science for students in Grade 1 to 8 through activity and experience based learning.

What you’ll do: Assist students in conducting science experiments and / or children supervision during excursions.

Requirements: Children friendly Science enthusiast Creative Mentoring skills. Length of time required: 1 to 2 hours per week.

Swar Sadhana Music Lovers Club (SSMLC)

Position: Volunteers for the Navratri & Diwali Festivals

Address: Ontario Soccer Centre, Vaughan

Phone: 647.308.0157



What they do: SSMLC is a registered not-for-profit organization based in Brampton, Ontario. It is highly motivated in the development of local talent and provide quality platform to showcase hidden talent within our community. We host and organize 8 to 10 theatre shows, cultural festivals, and many other educational and community development programs each year across GTA.

What you’ll do: As a Volunteer you will require 3 major activities: 1. Kids Play Area Management (Manage Kids activities in rotations), 2. Food Stall Management (Prepare and serve food as required), 3. Information Desk/Door (Ticket Sale/Stamping during the events).

Requirements: You should be at least 15 years of age and eligible for Volunteer hours with good communication skills

Breakfast With Santa Foundation

Position: Lunchroom attendant

Address: Mississauga



What they do: Non-profit Registered Charity #878867126RR0001 delivering Summer Breakfast Program (July & August) to children who ordinarily depend on school breakfast programs during school year for their daily nutrition. Delivering Christmas Breakfasts to children and families who otherwise will not have the opportunity to experience the magic of Christmas celebrations.

What you’ll do: Assist with setting up breakfast room, assist with clean up, assist supervisor with breakfast room activities.

Requirements: Willing to take direction in a positive and productive manner. Commitment. Enthusiasm. Interpersonal communication skills.

The Ripple Effect Wellness Organization

Position: Health Mela Voluntee

Address: Pearson Convention Centre, Mississauga



What they do: The Ripple Effect Wellness Organization (TREWO) is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to educating and empowering Canadians to lead healthy lives through proactive decision making. We recognize that the mosaic of Canada’s diversity requires customized care at the community level. As we celebrate our cultural medley, we also need to care about communities at risk for certain diseases: South Asians and Afro-Canadians for diabetes and high cholesterol and Caucasians for multiple sclerosis etc. Our mission is to create healthy communities by educating Canadians on how to prevent and address health issues.

What you’ll do: Assist in the set up of the venue. Assist team leads during the event to coordinate the program of events. Work with other members of your groups at allocated booths Assist attendees at entrance and exit with event information Attend health information sessions, seminars and booths Assist in TREWO youth program development Welcome booth and ticket booth Greeters Parking Assistants

Requirements: High School Student Organization skills Team building skills Leadership skills Able to work teams of various sizes Punctual Dedicated Highly motivated individual.

Sexual Assault Rape Crisis Centre of Peel

Position: Crisis Line Volunteer Counselor

Address: Peel Region

Phone: 905-273-3337, ext. 31



What they do: The Sexual Assault Rape Crisis Centre of Peel is a community based organization of women working with women who have been affected by sexual violence and other forms of oppression. We work form an integrated anti-racist feminist framework that embraces inclusiveness, diversity and equity for all women. Our services include a 24-hour crisis line, individual and group counselling, psycho-educational workshops, public education, accompaniments to hospitals for recent sexual assault, court, police and healthy sexuality clinics.

What you’ll do: The Sexual Assault Rape Crisis Centre of Peel is looking for female volunteers, 18 years and older to provide crisis intervention on our 24-hour crisis line. Evening and weekend shifts are available. Volunteers can take the line from their place of residence.

Requirements: You must be reliable, committed, a problem-solver, willing and committed to ending sexual violence, and a flexible schedule. Length of time required: a commitment of 1 year (16 hours a month in crisis line shifts).

Julie's & Joe's Clothes

Position: J&J Fundraising Team

Address: Mississauga



What they do: Registered non-profit organization raising money for giving deserving students the ideal prom while raising awareness and providing resources for various issues effecting high school students.

What you’ll do: Fundraising event activities, as well as Powerpoint presentations and even playing games to complete your 40 hours.

Requirements: Enthusiasm, a positive attitude and commitment. Leadership experience is a plus, but all volunteers will be trained.

Top Educational Advantages Corp.

Position: Tutoring/Teaching, Classroom Assistant

Address: Mississauga/Etobicoke



What they do: A not-for-profit organization promoting interest in Mathematics, Science, English and Mandarin for students in Grade 1 to 12 through activity and experience based learning.

What you’ll do: Tutoring/Teaching assist lower grade students who interest in Science, Mathematics, Mandarin, English, Music, Art; And for new comer students who need help for English. Classroom Assistants will assist, help and supervise the students in the club/camp.

Requirements: You could use any of the skills listed hereafter to in a volunteer role with us: Children friendly, Mathematics, Science, Physics, Chemistry, English, Mandarin, Music, Art, Event planning, Volunteer coordination, One-to-one/group support and Presentation skills. Length of time required: 1 to 7 hours per week.

Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC) and M&M Meat Shops

Position: M&M Charity BBQ Day Volunteer

Address: Any of the 8 M&M Meat Shops in Mississauga

Phone: 905-828-9867


What they do: National non-profit research and education foundation.

What you’ll do: Greet donors; serve burgers/hotdogs/beverage and chips to donors; setup and take down; keep serving area tidy and clean; take cash; keep condiments and drink containers full.

Requirements: None, will be trained at the M&M Meat Shop by CCFC volunteer captain.

Animal Aid Foundation

Position: Book Sale Event Volunteer

Phone: (905) 990-PETS(7387)



What they do: Animal Aid Foundation is a volunteer-based, community-based organization whose mission is to address the issue of animal overpopulation and homeless pets by financially supporting the veterinary medical care programs of local animal charities. The Foundation does not have paid staff and does not receive government funding. It raises money through community fundraising events and relies on volunteer contributions, public donations and corporate support.

What you’ll do: The Animal Aid Foundation Read For Pets® Charity Used Book Sale is the Foundation’s signature special event and one of the fastest growing events in Peel Region. The June 4th sale will take place in Centre Plaza in Streetsville (between Tim Hortons and Gino’s Pizza), during the Bread and Honey Festival. Students have a choice of helping to organize the event the night before, set up the event the day of, volunteering during the event and helping to clean up afterwards, both at the event site and the following day at our storage facility. This event appeals to both male and female students.

Requirements: You must be responsible, able to follow directions, energetic, hard-working, outgoing and articulate.

UCMAS Mental Math-Heartland

Position: Teacher's Assistant

Address: Mavis/Britannia, Mississauga


Website: http://www.ucmas.caa

What they do: A unique method of teaching math that focuses on improving concentration in students.

What you’ll do: Assist students with their work, mark student workbooks, supervise students in the break room.

Requirements: Approachable personality to work with students ranging in age from 4 -13 years. Dependable and a fast learner. Length of time required: 2 hours per week.

Mississauga Marathon

Position: Event Volunteer

Address: Within several areas of The City of Mississauga



What they do: In its Ninth year, the Mississauga Marathon is a run that encompasses much of Mississauga's beauty. We offer a run for everyone! This includes the 10K Run/Walk, 10K Student Relay and "The Hazel" 5K Run which will all take place on Saturday, May 5th and the Marathon, Petrillo Law Corporate/Team Relay, Half Marathon and 2K Fun Run/Walk held on Sunday, May 6th, 2012.

What you’ll do: Kit Stuffing – Wednesday, May 2nd from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Runner’s Expo (Race Kit Pickup) – Friday, May 4th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and 2:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Course Marshals – Saturday, May 5th from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM & Sunday, May 6th from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Requirements: Every year dedicated volunteers help make the race experience for participants of the Mississauga Marathon memorable and enjoyable. With the help of over 1,500 volunteers in 2011, we executed a well organized, fun-filled race weekend that received accolades from many of our runners. We need your commitment again in 2012! We are hoping to receive the same number of volunteers as we prepare for the 2012 Mississauga Marathon. All are welcome to volunteer, but anyone 12 years of age or under requires an adult to accompany them. Anyone under the age of 18 must have parent/guardian written permission. Additionally, we encourage those under the age of 18 to buddy-up with a friend.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Requirements for an Existing Apartment in a House City of Mississauga

In my 25 years of selling residential real estate in Mississauga I am asked about basement apartments quite often.

Here are the requirements for an Existing Apartment in a House.  Now, you may understand why Sellers and agents do not warrant retrofit status.

(Second Dwelling Unit)

1. Please contact Compliance and Licensing Section at (905) 896-5655 and request an inspection. A Request to Inspect form and inspection payment are required prior to the inspection being performed.

Please note that the execution of the fully completed Affidavit form must be Commissioner by Lawyer
Entitled to Practice Law In The Province of Ontario prior to its return to the Compliance and Licensing Section.

In addition to an Affidavit and consent to enter, please provide a copy of two or more of the following

supporting documents, one of which is a financial document: (check all appropriate):

- Copy of MLS Real Estate Listing Documenting existence of second kitchen, basement apartment or
the second dwelling unit prior to November 16th, 1995.

- Copy of Lease Agreement or other written documentation confirming the existence of the tenancy
entered prior to November 16, 1995.

- Copies of receipts for rent (from the landlord-owner or tenant) or copies of cancelled cheques (from
the tenant) for the period prior to November 16, 1995.

- Copy of the landlord-owners 1995 Income Tax Return with the required Statement of Rental Income
for the relevant period prior to November 16, 1995.

- Copies of invoices for work or repairs completed at the two unit house prior to November 16, 1995.

- Copy of any Assessment Roll or Notice of Property Valuation confirming the occupants of the building,
including particulars of any tenant(s) prior to 1995.

-Copy of any Building Permit issued for renovations to install an accessory apartment obtained on or
before May 22, 1996.

-Proof of attendance of Fire Department officials to conduct an inspection of the dwelling, i.e.
itemization of work required, etc., before November 16, 1995.

- Mortgage documents and/or home owner=s insurance policy indicating existence of the tenant occupied second dwelling unit prior to November 16th, 1995.

- Hydro Inspection Certificate, issued prior to November 16th, 1995.

-Compliance and Licensing Staff will check and enforce:

1. Existence of the Second Dwelling Unit

2. Nature of Sanitary System

3. Carbon Monoxide, and Smoke Detectors (each floor)

4. Number of Parking Spaces (including driveway and garage)

If the existing second dwelling unit is a permitted use, the owner will be notified. Building Inspections and Fire

Prevention will also be notified to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code, and the Ontario Fire


2. Arrange an inspection date

This inspection by the Compliance and Licensing Section is required before any inspections can be conducted

by Fire Prevention and/or any Building Permit applications can be submitted. Where a Compliance Letter is

requested a fee of $250.00 is required, Tax included.

3. Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Every Second Dwelling Unit which is deemed illegal or exempt from Prosecution under the provisions of the

Land Use Planning and Protection Act will be reported
City of Mississauga Compliance and Licensing Section 300 City Centre Drive-Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C1

For any questions regarding Mississauga Real Estate Call me at (905) 568-2121 

Lisa Portolese, Sales Representative

Royal LePage Kingsbury Realty, Brokerage

30 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 200

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Bus (905) 568-2121

Cel (416) 953-9714



*Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers already under contract*